Saturday, September 12, 2009

Expansion of Industry

What were the three major factors that contributed to the immense technological boom that took place in the United States after the Civil War? Explain how two of these factors helped to bring about this technological boom.

Before the American Civil War the United States was a mainly agricultural county. After The War, however, the technology and industry of the country boomed. This was due to three major factors: a surplus of natural resources, government support for businesses, and a growing urban population that was able to provide cheep labor.

The natural resources available to Americans was arguably the biggest factor in the evolution of industry in America. After Edwin Drake became the first person to drill for oil, it became an extremely popular resource that's uses seamed unlimited. Drilling for oil became very popular all throughout the west. Also, large amounts of iron were discovered, which could be used to make steel. Steel was in great demand for many innovative uses, including tools and the Brooklyn Bridge.

The Urban population's ability to provide cheap labor, combined with the discovery of electricity, provided for success in business that was previously unheard of. Not needing to be near a power source, such as a river, made it much easier for companies to develop and create better working conditions and get more done in less time.

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