Monday, September 21, 2009

Late 19th Century Big Buisness and Labor

Why and with what effect did the 19th century business ideologies of Laissez Faire and Social Darwinism have on laborers?

Buisness owners in the 19th century adopted the ideas of Laissez Faire and Social Darwinism. The idea of Laissez Faire basically meant that things economically were the way they were and could not be changed because supply and demand isn't something that can be regulated or controlled. In other words, the poor were poor and the rich were rich and that wasn't something that could be or should be fixed. Social Darwinism was the idea that the rich were successful because they were better adapted the world than the poor because God made them that way. To them it wasn't their fault poor people were poor, that was how they were born. The effect these ideologies had on workers was that their owners (the business owners) weren't bothered by the fact that they forced workers to work long hours for little pay under terrible conditions. At this time there wasn't anything workers could really do about it because there were no government regulations on worker's rights, so they just had to put up with bad conditions.

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