Wednesday, November 18, 2009

America as a World Power

1. What role did President Roosevelt play in ending the Russo-Japanese War?

He mandated peace talks between the two partys and helped them come to a conclusion that satisified both sides.

2. What events led to the building of the Panama Canal? What happened regarding Columbia? (Be specific)

The US and Britan had an agreement as early as 1850 in which they decided to share a canal that would go through Central America, but Great Britian eventually decided to give the US complete control of that canal. The US eventually bought claim to a pathway through Panama from a French Company, however, when the US went to ask Columbia permission to build the cancal, Panama had an upriseing against Columbia. The US than agreed to tearms with Panama and got permission to build their canal.

3. What did the Roosevelt Corollary state?

The US would use force to protect its economic intrests in Latin America.

4. How did Taft use Dollar Diplomacy to enforce the Roosevelt Colollary on Nicaragua? (Be specfic)

The country was in a great deal of debt due to revolt. The US arranged an agreement in which US bankers would lend Nicaragua money to pay their debts, and in return the US got control of many economic intrests in the area. When nationalists who fould out about this resisted, the US sent 2,000 marines to put down the rebellion.

5. Why did Woodrow Wilson invade Mexico?

The US used the captureing of American sailors to invade because they wanted control of Spanish oil wells.

6. What were three major foriegn policy goals achieved by the United States in the early 20th century. Be sure to provide an example or two of each.

1. The Panama Canal
~ They were able to successfuly negotiate with Panama after they rebelled against Columbia.
2. They were able to establish themselfs as a world "poliece force"
~ They resolved the conflict between Russia and Japan
3. They were able to prove that they would not allow their economic intrests in Latin America to be threatened, even if this ment the use of viloence.
~ They put down the rebellion in Nigurara.

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