Thursday, November 5, 2009

Imperialism's Bitter Fruit

1. a. After the Spanish were forced out of the Philippines, why did fighting break out between American and Filipino forces?

Because the Filipino forces believed they were going to have complete independence after the war, but the US took over for a while at first.

b. How was this a different kind of warfare for American forces?

They were fighting against guerrilla warfare.

2. Why were many African-Americans strong critics of the war against Filipino nationalists?

They had sympathy for the filipinos because they saw them as an oppressed people, like themselfs.

3. Explain two reasons why the United States lost some of its enthusiasm for imperialism in the early 1900s.

It was costly to control so many smaller lands outside of the US


It was hard to keep the people of these small lands under control.

4. What were the positive effects of American occupation in Puerto Rico and Cuba?

The main posative effect was that the US could take advantage of the lands and their economic upside. It was also good for the lands because the US protected them from other forgin powers.

5. After the Spanish-American War, the United States insisted that Cuba only receive independence after agreeing to several limitations set forth in the Platt Amendment. Four restrictions on Cuban independence set forth in the Platt Amendment were:

US could oversee Cuban economy

US had power to veto cuban forgin policy

US could interviene in cuban affairs

US got G-Bay

Was the United States justified in making these demands? Explain your reasoning.

The US was absolutly justified in makeing these demands. The US was reponsable for theeing the Cubans their freedom and were simply ensureing their economic intrests in the area were same.

6. Do you believe the United States was imperialist? Why or why not?

I do believe the US was imperailist because they continues to gain many pacific lands. This was necessary, however, to keep up with the other world powers and continue to be a world power themselfs.

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