Thursday, December 10, 2009

WWI - The War at Home

What were some things accomplished by the following wartime agencies and laws?

1. War Industries Board
The WIB encouraged mass production which dramastically increased the production of factorys during the late 1910s.

2. Railroad Administration
It helped control railroads during WWI.

3. Fuel Administration
This federal agency monitered the use of oil, gasoline, and fule during the war in order to conserve resources. It took measures to make sure these resources were not being used unnecessarly used such as establishing daylight-saveings time.

4. National War Labor Board
This agency was established in order to deal with the growing disagreements between workers and management; it helped shut down the growing unrest among unions but also took measures to improve their working conditions.

5. Food Administration
This agency took measures to make sure food wasen't wasted during the wartime, but did not go as far as rationing food. Rather, it encouraged people only to eat as much as was necessary and to set aside cirtan days to not eat priticular types of food.

6. Committee on Public Information
This committee spread pro-American news that helped encourage the American to support and protect their soldiers so that they could effectively protect the county at war.

7. Espionage and Sedition Acts
These acts helped unify the country during the war and restricted people from distupting domestic peace by limiting their right to speak out against the government and the war.

Briefly explain why Bernard M. Baruch and George Creel are significant historical figures.

Both these figures signifigantly shaped what life was like domestically during the first world war. Bernard M. Burch led the WIB which shaped the economy during this time. George Creel helped gain domestic support for the soldiers fighting in the war.

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