Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Woodrow Wilson Fights for Peace

1. What was Wilson's 14th Point?

That A League of Nations should be established in which countries can negotiate their differences rather than go to war.

2. What terms of the treaty specifically affected Germany?

Several new colonies were established that included German land; their military was drastically cut, and they were forced to pay 33 billion dollars.

3. What were the weaknesses of the treaty?

It did not allow for lasting peace in Eurpoe because of its poor treatement of Germany, its lack of Russian intrests met, and its ignored requests for people of the colonies for self determination.

4. Why did Henry Cabot Lodge object to the treaty?

He, and many other conservative senators, feared it threatened the US's right to keep a forgin policy of isolationism.

5. How did Wilson help bring about the Senate's rejection of the treaty?

He was unwilling to listen to Republicans (who had the majority in the senate) and comprimise, so therefore they were unwilling to agree to any of his tearms.
(A president unwilling to listen to the opinion of the opposing political party on major legislation and haveing it come back to haunt him, sounds like another US president...)

6. What circumstances at this time would eventually lead many Germans to support Adolf Hitler?

The unwillingness og the "Big 4" at the meetings at Varsaillies to cut Germany any slack. The poor treatement of Germany left many Germans feeling personally attacked.

7. Who is George Clemenceau?

He was the prime minister of France during WWI.

8. Who is David Lloyd George?

The Prime Minister of Great Britain.

9. Describe the participation of Russia at the peace conference.

They were not invited because of the communist takeover of the government that had occured shortly after the end of WWI.

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