Sunday, January 31, 2010

FDR & the New Deal

1. Describe how people struggled to survive during the depression.

The many who became unemployed during this time could no longer afford to pay for houseing or food. They battled with poor conditions (cold, poor sanatation) and extream hunger every day and battled to survive.

2. How was what happened to men during the Great Depression different from what happened to women? Children?

Men struggled with unemployment especially because up untill this point men ahd always been expected to work in order to provide for their families, and the fact that they could no longer do this was a concept many men could not face, and they became hobos, wandering about aimlessly. Women did more than ever attempting to keep their families afloat. They canned food and made clothing that could not be bought anymore. Some even went out nd got jobs, though they were payed less than the men were for equal pay. Children suffered because their parents could not provide for them. The poor living conditions and lack of nutrition caused serious health problems for the youts.

3. Describe the causes and effects (on people) because of the Dust Bowl.

Over farming and plowing of farm land in the midwest led to a geography of mostly sand and dust. This, combined with a period of drout and rough sand storms, led to viloent sand storms that forced familys living in this area to abandon their homes and move westward to California.

4. What was the New Deal and its three general goals? (The 3 Rs)

The new deal was a nickname for the FDR administration, based on a quote from a champaign speech in which a "new deal" was promised to the American people. Its goals were economic recovery, relief for the needy, and finincial reform.

5. What did Roosevelt do during the Hundred Days?

He passed fifteen major pieces of legislation into law createing a greater government involvement in the nations economy.

6. Why were Roosevelt's fireside chats significant?

They restored the American people's faith in government and the banks. Many people allowed their saveings to go back to the banks after these "chats".

7. Describe four significant agencies and/or bills that tightened regulation of banking and finance.

Glass-Steagall Act- established the Federal Deposet Insurence Coorperation to protect people's money in the banks.

Federal Secruities Act- Forced all major coorperations to release accurate stock information.

Securities and Exchange Commission- Provided frderal regulation for the stock market.

The 21st amendment- repealed the prohibition

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