Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dropping the Atomic Bomb

1. What factors have affected viewpoints on Truman's decision?

- The devistation the bomb caused was outstanding. It absolutle devistated the Japanese (75000 instant deaths and tens of thousands more due to radation poinioning)
- The ability of the US to win without the bomb.
- The devistation an invasion would have caused on both sides.
- The unimaginable treatement of US prisioners of war in Japanese death camps.

2. Do you think he made the right decision? Give your reasons.

Harry Trubman not only made the right decision in droping the atomic bombs on Japan, he made the only morally right decision he possably could have. As President, he took an oath. In said oath he promised the American people he would protect them and their rights above all else. Invadeing Japan would have been absloutly devistateing for America. an estimated 220,000 soldiers would have been killed, which means 220,000 wives left widowed, parents left childless, and children left with only one parent. droping the bombs was directly responsable for saveing the lives of these would be casualitys of war. As devistateing as this was for the Japanese, a domestic war would have been almost if not equally devistateing. The bottom line is droping the bombs saved lives, which is what Trubman promised the American people he would do.

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