Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mobilizing for WWII.

1. Selective Service System

The selective service system provided for a larger base of recruits when the US was preparing themselfs for the war. The 5 million volenteers they had wasen't enough and this system provided 10 million more soldiers for the war effort.

2. Women

the WAAC established a system where women could help the war effort in a number of non combat aspects so that the men could focas on combat.

3. Minorities

Many minorties signed up to fight in the war despite the descrimination. Soma Japanese-Americans were able to be spies for the US. Also the Native Americans volnteered in record numbers.

4. Manufacturers

Manufacturers ended up mass produceing war materials rather than private macherniary. They were able to mass produce to an extent that it greatly contributed to the war efort on the US's side because we had the resources to mass produce much more than the axis powers.

5. Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD)

The estlabilishment of the OSRD created an opprunity for the US to have the most advanced possible weapons and equipiment during the war because it brought together many of the greatest thinking minds and used them to work together to help create these war techlolgys.

6 Entertainment industry

Propaganda films were made to glorify the USSR and vilify the Nazis and the Japanese to encourage more volunteers to sign up to serve.

7. Office of Price Administration (OPA)

The riseing demand and dropping supply on consumer goods threatened to couse hige inflation. The OPA did not allow for this to happen because it froze prices on most consumer goods.

8. War Production Board (WPB)

The WPB made sure that companies produced the necessary amount of war goods for the US war effort.

9. Rationing

Rations were placed on the amount of gods that could be used in the war effort that citizens liveing domestically could consume. This ment that there was always enough for the soldiers who needed it.

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