Thursday, April 29, 2010

The U.S. Enters the Vietnam War

1. Many neutral observers in Vietnam were critical of US policy. Explain why.

This is because the Us suppoered the anti-communist governments established in the south, even though they were extreamily currupt.

2. Explain how US politicians would have defended their policies.

They would have argued that if Vietnam fell to communism, many other countries in the region would follow suit. It was necessary to stop a communist takeover of an entire contenent.

3. The following events are not listed in correct date order. Place them in the correct chronological order. (Write the year inside the parenthesis, i.e. (1965). Then note the reason for each U.S. action, and how it brought the U.S. into deeper involvement in Vietnam.
The reasons you can choose from are: No direct involvement; financial support; political involvement; military involvement. Also, note what events triggered the increased involvement.

( 8 ) Assassination of JFK - Johnson becomes president
( 2 ) Formation of South Vietnam
( 9 ) Gulf of Tonkin Incident
( 7 ) Number of 'advisers' reaches over 11,500- military involvement. This brought the US more into the conflict because this highly increased the US presence in South Vietnam.
( 6 ) JFK sends military advisers- military invlovement. This brought the US more into the conflict because it created a US military presence in the conflict that was going on between North and South Vietnamise forces.
( 10 ) U.S. Marines land at Da Nang- military involvement. This brought the US more into the conflict because this officially started war between North Vietnam and the US
( 1 ) U.S. stops elections in Vietnam- political involvement. This brought the US more into the conflict because It angered many who supported an Communist Vietnam and was looked upon as a lack of principlas on behalf of the US, which condemned Stalin for takeing similar actions in the USSR.
( 3 ) U.S. supports South Vietnam government after army overthrow Diem- political involvement- This brought the US more into the conflict because this was their way of keeping communism from spreading throughout the entire region. They believed that if it can be stopped in Vietnam, it won't spread further.
( 5 ) Viet Cong attacks on U.S. and South Vietnam bases
( 4 ) Viet Cong formed

4. Choose two events that you think were critical in getting the U.S. involved in a war in Vietnam. Explain
your choice.

I think the forming of Viet Cong and the attack at the Gulf of Tonkin were the most curtial events. This is because they really forced the US's hand in Vietnam. Vite Cong symbolized the communist sprit which many rallied around. It grew at a rate that the US could not ignore because it had alot of power to spread communism which would be dangerous to the US. The attack at the Gulf of Tonkin forced the US to retaliate. It showed that the communist threat was not only strong but viloent and letting it continue without interfearing would be dangerous.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Cuban Missile Crisis

1. Kennedy described Wednesday, Oct. 24 and Saturday, Oct. 27 as the darkest days of the crisis. Use the information on page 350 to explain why.

These two days, being the days when there was a faceoff at the American blocade of Cuba and when there was an incident whihc involved an American plane beiong shot down, were the days when conflicts caused war to be as realistic of a possability as it ever was.

2. Do you think that nuclear war was ever a possibility in this crisis?

I think it was a very valid possability. Both countrys had the ability to devistate eachother, and tentions between the two were just about as high as possible without full scale war breaking out.

3. Is Source 26 a Soviet or an American cartoon? Explain your answer by referring to the details in the cartoon.

I would think that the cartoon was an American one, because the Soviet leader is depicted as sweating heavily, whale JFK looks calm and collected.

4. Using Source 27 list any evidence you can find for and against each of the explanations.

Why did the Soviet Union place nuclear missiles on Cuba?
To bargain with the USA
This is a likely reason, because it happened.

To test the USA
This is likely because at the time the US was not in very good standing with the world stage.

To trap the USA
This suggests that the USSR was trying to start a nuclear war, but because this never actually happened, it is unlikely this is a valid reason.

To get the upper hand in the arms race
This is a very likely reason because with the missles so close to the US it would be very easy for the USSR to launch an attack.

To defend Cuba
It is unlikely this was the reason because the USSR was makeing such a public deal about the missles being there. They were makeing a statement of somemkind.

5. Choose the explanation(s) that you think best fit what you have found out about the crisis. Explain your choice.

I feel it was a mixture of trying to gain the upper hand in the arms race and to bargin with the US. They did even the score of the arms race by haveing ready to launch missles in such close geographical proximity to the US. Also, they could use this as a way to bargin the US into removeing some of their missles, which would also be helpful in the arms race between the two superpowers.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The U.S. Attempts to Contain Cuba

1. Why was Cuba so important to the United States?

Cuba was important to America because of its closeness to the US both economically and geographically. Its importance grograpahically was important because of a military base the US had on the island.

2. Why do you think the Americans chose to equip Cuban exiles rather than invading themselves?

It was too dangerous to directly invade the USSR friendly Cuban nation because this could have been taken as an act of war by the Soviet Union, which could have caused a nuclear war.

3. Why did the invasion fail?

The invasion failed because the US did not provide the necessary air support to the Cuban rebels. Tey were outnumbered and faceing a much stronger, better equipped, and better trained adversary without the help they depended on.

4. Compare Source 17 on page 345 (in the Arms Race.pdf reading) with Source 24 on page 348. Describe how the Soviet Union missiles on Cuba changed the Cold War balance of power.

The USSR's ability to have missles in Cuba took away the US advantage of stratigic missle location. Before this point, the US had missles that could strike the Soviet Union in a very short amount of time, but after this the USSR had missles that could be equally quick and devistateing if ever used.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The American Dream in the 1950s

1. Baby Boom
As soldiers came home from war, they reproduced an a high rate from the late 40s to the early 60s. This period is known as the baby boom.

2. Dr. Jonas Salk
The doctor who developed the vaccene for polio.

3. Interstate Highway System
The use of automobiles was booming at this time, so President Eisenhower passes an act which ordered the construction of a national highway system which went through all states.

4. Franchise
A company that offers a similar product at many location. These began to appear throughout the US during this era.

5. In a paragraph, describe in detail how Americans spent their leisure time in the 1950s
In the 1950 people spent their free time by going out and enjoying themselfs mostly. Almost every adult was driveing at this point, so they could go out now more. People would go to drive ins to see movies or go to popular spots with things to do.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Arms Race

1. Read Source 12. What methods do you think Dulles had in mind to 'liberate captive peoples' without a war?

Dulles probably wanted to stop the spread of communism by spreading capatilist influence and pushing back the borders of communism in USSR controled nations. This way full out war with the Soviet Union could likely be avoided but the US could still limit communist influence.

2. Look at Source 13. Would you agree that the Communist world was encircled? Explain your answer.

I feel this statement is accurate because the pre WWI like alliance systems that were formeing around the world were mostly non-communist, except for the Warasaw pact, which was surrounded by capatilst pro-US alliances on all sides.

3. Carefully examine the verticle timeline on page 343. Then look back at Source 12. Do you think the development of nuclear weapons was what Dulles might have had in mind?

It is likely that the development of the H-bomb had something to do with the confidence Dulles showes in source 12. He seams to be be very confident about the ability of the US to push back the borders of communism is states with Soviet influence. If countries knew that the US had H-bomb abilitys, they would be less likely to stand up to US attempts at spreading capatilism.

4. Look at Source 16. What is the Soviet cartoon saying about the U-2 plane?

It is saying that the US is useing the UR plane to spy on the USSR, and dipicting this to be an unapproprate act.

5. Read the Factfile on page 344. Explain why the USSR was so angry about the US spy flights.

The USSR was upset about the U2 flights because they felt the US had been dishonest with them. The Soviets had already turned down a treaty proposed by the US asking for open airs above both contries. The USSR thought that fact that the Americans went ahead and did so anyways was a dishonest action.

6. How would the USA justify this violation of Soviet territory?

The fact that the USSR was continueing to develop nuclear weapons proves that the spying was necessary. The US had to know the nuclear ability of the USSR, because if they attacket the US, we had to be able to retaliate.

7. If the USSR had had U-2 planes, do you think it would have used them? Why?

They would have not hesitated to use them. The USSr was just as curious as the US as to what the other country was doing domestically. Both countries were continueing to prepare for a possible war, and any knowledge about the other country was a great advantage.

8. Look at Source 17. Why do you think the USA had missiles based in Europe?

The US had missiles based in Europe so that they could respnd in minuits to an attack by the USSR. If they were to only send missiles that were based in the US than it would take 30 minuits for them to reach the USSR. This would give Soviet forces to cause great damage to the US.

9. Define the term 'nuclear deterrent' in not more than 20 words.

The theory adopted by the US and the USSR during the Cold Warthat haveing a surpuls of nuclear weapons with the ability to destroy the other country would avoid war because no country would dare attact the other with the knowledge that doing so would call for a response.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Eisenhower & The Cold War

1. The Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb in 1949.

After the USSR exploded their first atomic bomb, the US made sure they were prepared, both how to minimize casualitys and to retaliate. They developed and successfuly tested the first H-bomb.

2. In 1951, the Iranian prime minister placed the oil industry in Iran under the Iranian government’s control.

The CIA saw to it that the pro-American Shah of Iran regained power in Iran so that the country, which was struggling economically, wouldn't turn to the USSR for help.

3. The Guatemalan head of government gave American-owned land in Guatemala to peasants.

The CIA invaded the country and overtook the government to stop communist actions that were being taken by the government.

4. In 1956, Britain, France, and Israel invaded Egypt and occupied the Suez Canal.

The UN stopped the fighting, but did not syntaphise with any of the three invadeing countries at all, and rather let Egypt keep control of the land. After this the US released a doctrine saying that the US would not hesitate to defend the middle east against any communist country.

5. Soviet tanks invaded Hungary and fired on protesters in 1956.

The US did nothing. It was appearent that Esienhower was not going to enforce the policy of containment in the sattalite nations.

6. In 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik.

The US was shocked at the Soviets' scientific superitority. US scientists frantically worked to put up their own sattalite, and eventually did.

7. In 1960, the Soviet Union brought down an American U-2 piloted by Francis Gary Powers.

President Eisenhower did admit to the flights spying on the USSR, and promised to discontinue them, but would not appoligize. This caused the 60s to begin with a great tention between the two superpowers.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Red Scare (1950s).

1. HUAC- The HUAC was a committie which investigated possible communist influences in the US government and US industries.

2. Blacklist- A list of influential Americans who have communist backgrounds.

3. Alger Hiss- A state department official who was accused of being a spy for the USSR. President Richard Nixon gained early fame for trying to have him convicted.

4. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg- Were convicted of and executed for leaking information on the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. This information helped the Soviets successfuly create an atomic bomb three to five years earlier than expected.

5. Joseph McCarthy- The Republican US senator who became famous for accuseing the US government of being riddled with Communists.

6. McCarthyism- Senator McCarthy's unsupported accusations of US government officials being communist.

7. Senator McCarthy decided to make his crusade against domestic communism to gain popularity. His ability to be reelected into his senate seat was not strong, and he needed a vocal point to gain popularity from the voters. The most sesical way to do this was to play off the voters' greatest fear, communists at home. By convinceing the American public that the US government was full of communists, he also convinced them he was the only hope to find them. Not to look pro-communist, even those who doubted him followed him. This helped him gain popularity among the voters.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Korean War Lessons

the US aims in Korea
how the support of the UN helped
how far the US achieved its aims
whether MacArthur should have been allowed to invade North Korea
why MacArthur was removed
the military and civilian cost of war

The US has one goal in Korea and that is to stop the spread of Communism throughout the reigon as much as possible. Fortunatly, we have gained the support of the UN in our mission to contain Soviet influence, largely due to the absence of the USSR from UN assembly due to their boycott. This has given us the aid of many UN nations, but we are still takeing on the majority of the responsability of this war as a nation. What is absolutly necessary in Korea is to regain South Korea's freedom from communist forces occupying the reigon. If communism is allowed to continue to spread at its current rate, it could very well take over all of Asia, which would be divistateing to our containment efforts. A secondary goal of the war would be to eliminate communism from Koera entirely. North Korea's communist, one-state regime is a dangerous one. Even if South Korea is saved, they still will have a communist threat directly north of them, with a large influence in Asia. When we invaded North Korea, the Chinese forces (who are communist and have been tought to be anti-American by Soviet influences) met us with an unexpected strength. We weere pushed back behind the origional divider of Korea, and former President Tuman decided to pull troops. US Military General MacArthur went against direct orders and threatened the Chinese anyways, and was removed from his position. Although he was only doing what he thought was best for the country and the safety of the American people, the President needs to know he is surrounded by people he can trust, so MacArthur was removed from his position. Had that war been started, chances were the USSR would have been involved. That would have made the war a hard one to win, and the costs of loseing the war would have been unthinkable to the US people and nation as a whole. As of now the US policy of containment has been rather unsuccessful, due mainly to a lack of aggression, especially in Asia. Communist forces have already taken over China, who we had previously thought of as our biggest ally in Korea, and if we had to invade Korea to stop it from takeing over there. In the future we need to be more aggressive to stop communist threats before they reach the point they did in China and Korea, or we could face an entirely Communist Asia, and even Europe.