Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Arms Race

1. Read Source 12. What methods do you think Dulles had in mind to 'liberate captive peoples' without a war?

Dulles probably wanted to stop the spread of communism by spreading capatilist influence and pushing back the borders of communism in USSR controled nations. This way full out war with the Soviet Union could likely be avoided but the US could still limit communist influence.

2. Look at Source 13. Would you agree that the Communist world was encircled? Explain your answer.

I feel this statement is accurate because the pre WWI like alliance systems that were formeing around the world were mostly non-communist, except for the Warasaw pact, which was surrounded by capatilst pro-US alliances on all sides.

3. Carefully examine the verticle timeline on page 343. Then look back at Source 12. Do you think the development of nuclear weapons was what Dulles might have had in mind?

It is likely that the development of the H-bomb had something to do with the confidence Dulles showes in source 12. He seams to be be very confident about the ability of the US to push back the borders of communism is states with Soviet influence. If countries knew that the US had H-bomb abilitys, they would be less likely to stand up to US attempts at spreading capatilism.

4. Look at Source 16. What is the Soviet cartoon saying about the U-2 plane?

It is saying that the US is useing the UR plane to spy on the USSR, and dipicting this to be an unapproprate act.

5. Read the Factfile on page 344. Explain why the USSR was so angry about the US spy flights.

The USSR was upset about the U2 flights because they felt the US had been dishonest with them. The Soviets had already turned down a treaty proposed by the US asking for open airs above both contries. The USSR thought that fact that the Americans went ahead and did so anyways was a dishonest action.

6. How would the USA justify this violation of Soviet territory?

The fact that the USSR was continueing to develop nuclear weapons proves that the spying was necessary. The US had to know the nuclear ability of the USSR, because if they attacket the US, we had to be able to retaliate.

7. If the USSR had had U-2 planes, do you think it would have used them? Why?

They would have not hesitated to use them. The USSr was just as curious as the US as to what the other country was doing domestically. Both countries were continueing to prepare for a possible war, and any knowledge about the other country was a great advantage.

8. Look at Source 17. Why do you think the USA had missiles based in Europe?

The US had missiles based in Europe so that they could respnd in minuits to an attack by the USSR. If they were to only send missiles that were based in the US than it would take 30 minuits for them to reach the USSR. This would give Soviet forces to cause great damage to the US.

9. Define the term 'nuclear deterrent' in not more than 20 words.

The theory adopted by the US and the USSR during the Cold Warthat haveing a surpuls of nuclear weapons with the ability to destroy the other country would avoid war because no country would dare attact the other with the knowledge that doing so would call for a response.

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