Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The American Dream in the 1950s

1. Baby Boom
As soldiers came home from war, they reproduced an a high rate from the late 40s to the early 60s. This period is known as the baby boom.

2. Dr. Jonas Salk
The doctor who developed the vaccene for polio.

3. Interstate Highway System
The use of automobiles was booming at this time, so President Eisenhower passes an act which ordered the construction of a national highway system which went through all states.

4. Franchise
A company that offers a similar product at many location. These began to appear throughout the US during this era.

5. In a paragraph, describe in detail how Americans spent their leisure time in the 1950s
In the 1950 people spent their free time by going out and enjoying themselfs mostly. Almost every adult was driveing at this point, so they could go out now more. People would go to drive ins to see movies or go to popular spots with things to do.

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