Thursday, October 15, 2009

Progressive Era Presidents Taft and Wilson

1. How did William Howard Taft get selected to run for president?

President Roosevelt selected him to run on behalf of the Republican Party.

2. How did Teddy Roosevelt come to oppose Taft for the presidency in 1912?

When President Roosevelt saw how Taft was being too conservative and nor progressive enough, he decided to run for president. He could not win the republican nomination, however, and decided to form his own political party, the Progressive Party.

3. What events helped Woodrow Wilson win the election in 1912?

The formation of the Progressive Party split up what would be the Republican votes between two candidates, giving Wilson an easy victory.

4. What legislation did Wilson use to attack trusts and monopolies?

The Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914 made it illegal for corporations to buy stock in other companies if doing so would create a monopoly. The establishment of the federal trade commission helped the government keep a close watch on big businesses to make sure no monopoles were being created.

5. What was the Nineteenth Amendment?

It gave women the right to vote nationally.

6. How did America's entry into World War I affect the reform movement?

It stalled reform efforts.

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