Sunday, October 25, 2009

Spanish-American War (1898)

Causes: How did each of the following help to cause the outbreak of the Spanish-American War?

1. American business owners fuled the Spanish American war because during the Cuban revolt they supported Cuba and they had intrest in Cuban sugar plantations. This intrest was convayed to the American government.

2. José Martí- During Cuba's second revolt against the Spanish, he destroied American property hopeing to force them to interviene and help their cause.

3. Valeriano Weyler- He set up concentration camps for Cubans who were supporting the revolt. News of this infuriated Americans and added to the Anti-Spanish feeling in the country.

4. Yellow journalism- Yellow journalism, a way of presenting news in an exaggerated way, made the Spanish look alot worse than they necessarly were. This added to the anti-Spanish feeling in America and caused more people to call for the US government to interviene.

5. De Lôme letter- This was a letter written by a Spanish Minister being extreamily critical of the US president. Once this letter got out, newspapers accused the Spanish of insulting the Americans and called for war.

6. U.S.S. Maine- The U.S.S. Maine was an American battleship that exploded and sunk in Spanish territory. Even though it was later proven that the explosion was caused by faulty ship design, it was believed at the time that the explosion had been an act of war by the Spanish. This was the final straw that caused the US to go to was against Spain.

Effects: What happened to each of the following territories as a result of the Spanish-American War?

7. Cuba - was reconized as an independent country.

8. Puerto Rico- was given to the US.

9. Guam - was given to the US.

10. Philippine Islands - was given to the US.
9. Guam -

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