Thursday, October 8, 2009

TR's Square Deal

1. How did Roosevelt create the modern presidency?
He worked to protect the intrests of the adverage American with actions such as the breaking up of strikes that harmed the country or using his power to pass legislation that regulated the quality of meat.

2. How did Roosevelt's intervention in a coal strike set a precedent for federal arbitration?
The strike was having a negative effect on the public welfare of the country and Roosevelt decided to intervene in order to restore order and for the benefit of the country. From then on whenever strikes threatened to have a major negative impact on the good of the common people of the country the federal government was expected to intervene.

3. What did Roosevelt do to the trusts and railroads?
He broke up trusts whenever he could in an attempt to help stop monoplies from forming and to stop big business from ripping off their customers (the average American). He also passed laws that made it harder for railroads to set unfair prices on tickets because they had to say all their price changes publicly.

4. What legislation passed during Roosevelt's presidency protected citizens?
Elkins Act in 1903, Hepburn Act of 1906, Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food and Drug Act

5. What did Roosevelt do to protect the environment?
He was a conservationalist, which ment rather than not toushing land he used the land to benifit the ecology and evvironment.

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